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Top Neighborhoods For Millennials In Dallas

Facts About the Millennial Housing Market in Dallas

Finding a top Dallas real estate agent for all the buyers can be a challenging process especially for millennial buyers as they are first time home buyers and have different set of needs and wants compared to other age groups. But even for this generation, referral from someone they know is still the most popular way of identifying a real estate agent who specializes in working with millennial buyers.

According to the 2019 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report. by National Association of REALTORS, over 52% of buyers 21 to 28 years (Younger Millennials/Gen Yers) and over 50% of buyers 29 to 38 years (Older Millennials/Gen Yers) utilize referrals from people they know to find a realtor to buy a home. This is slightly less than buyers in other age segments.

Other methods used by millennials to find a REALTOR include:

  • Used agent previously to buy or sell a home

  • Inquired about specific property viewed online Website (without a specific reference)

  • Referred by another real estate agent/broker

  • Visited an open house and met agent

  • Saw contact information on For Sale/Open House

  • Personal contact by agent (telephone, email, etc.)

  • Referred through employer or relocation company

  • Walked into or called office and agent was on duty

  • Direct mail (newsletter, flyer, Saw the agent's social media page without a connection Newspaper, Yellow Pages

  • Advertising specialty (calendar, magnet, etc.)

  • Crowdsourcing through social media/knew through social media

Millennial life in Dallas

The five best Dallas suburbs for millennials, according to a recent report by Thrillist are:

  • Richardson

  • Plano

  • Garland

  • Duncanville/DeSoto/Cedar Hill

  • Grand Prairie

Of course, the best neighborhood for you may be different from any of these areas listed. With nearly 40 suburbs in the Dallas area, you are sure to find a neighborhood to match your “must-haves” list and narrow down your top choices. Contact us for an in-depth analysis of your needs and recommendations along with market reports of various neighborhoods in Dallas!

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About us:

If you are interested in moving to our great city of Dallas and need help finding a home, I would appreciate the opportunity to help you. I have lived in Dallas metro area for over 16 years. Since many of my clients are relocation buyers, I have all the tools you need to help your home search. Whether it is video previews of homes, extended work hours, digital signatures for documents or more, I can make this process as comfortable as possible no matter where you are located.

Dallas Relocation expert, dallas relocation resources

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